Friday, October 21, 2011

More skulls for October

A dapper little fellow.

Darth Vader riding a Merry-Go-Round

I got this idea from some Disneyland commercials. I thought the image would make a neet drawing!
Darth rides a pony.
ride Vader ride.
Close up.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The perfect couple for October

In honor of October here is a couple of crazy love brds!

The monster,

and his bride, of course!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Couple skulls for October

Well it's been a while. I had a couple of commissions to complete, and surgery. Here are a couple of skulls for my favorite month, October!

Duh skull.
Scaredy skull.
More to come!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ghostbusters Finished

Well the Ghostbuster poster is done, and before a third movie was made I might add! Well here it is!

I know I need a scanner or a better camera at least.

EPA man Walter Peck
The Marshmellow man
The library ghost..
I alway wondered who wrote this on Venkman's office door....
All hands in...
Nimble little minx isn't she...
and "Thats a big twinkie."
The best shot of the whole thing. This was fun, but I kept getting asked by people what the next poster was going to be. I think I was asked that even before I was halfway through this one. It was finished some time in May I've just barely found time to update. The person buying this never got back to me, so it is still available!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ghostbusters update!

Actually I'm closer to having this done than the pictures suggest, I just haven't had time to retake pictures of it! Here's what Ive got so far.
                                                          Well I have Ray finished!
Mr StayPuff is rampaging through New York!

Janine is at work.

Slimmer is...uh...slimming!

Egon is showing off his big Twinkie. Yes that's Venkman slimed above him!

Well the next post should see this thing done, it's a jump but I haven't had time to photograph my progress.
I have had an offer to buy it, but I'm not sure how much it will take to part with it!


ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards. An artist will draw or paint one to trade with each other. I did these four for a trade at ATCS for all!